Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about Digibon.

Contact us via mail

Contact information
Digibon has offices in Amsterdam and Groningen, the Netherlands.
+31 85 1304 381
Lübeckweg 2, 9723 HE Groningen
Spijkerkade 3, 1021 JS Amsterdam

Frequently asked questions about Digibon

Are there cost related to Digibon?
Digibon is a free service for consumers
Digibon is, and will always be, free of charge for consumers. Stores that offer Digibon pay a small fee to keep the service and technology up and running.
Does Digibon work on every phone?
You won’t need a specific phone or app to use Digibon. Digibon is set up as a standard, so it can run on as many devices and apps as possible. We use common technologies such as PDF, JPG and UBL. It does not matter whether you are an iPhone or Android user – Digibon is here for you!
Does Digibon work at all stores?
Unfortunately, not yet. But you can help us out!
Digibon could work at any store or restaurant out there. Unfortunately, merchants have to be connected with Digibon first as we offer a technology solution. So, please feel free to tip us!
Where are my receipts stored?
Your receipts are stored on ISO certified servers
Digibon uses secure ISO certified servers in the Netherlands. These servers are well-known for there frequent tests on security. After you have received your digital receipt you can save it anywhere you want. Your receipt, your choice!
How about my privacy?
Your privacy is very important to us
Privacy is an important part of Digibon. Good news, we do not need any personal information from you. You can use Digibon completely anonymous!
Why did Digibon start?
Paper receipts are inconvenient and have a negative environmental impact
Paper receipts are very inconvenient. They are often long, and have to be saved for warranty and returning policies. By the time you have found your paper receipt, it is probably wrinkled and the texts is unreadable. Besides, paper receipts have a negative impact on the environment. For your information, in order to produce receipts 20.000 trees are feld down annually.